Preprint: Molecular surface chemistry defines nematode development, identity and behaviour
Kotowska, A. M., Hiramatsu, F., Alexander, M. R., Scurr, D. J., Lightfoot, J.W.# and Chauhan V. M.# (2024) BioRxiv [article]
Kin-recognition and predation shape collective behaviours in the cannibalistic nematode Pristionchus pacificus.
Hiramatsu, F. and Lightfoot, J.W. (2023) PLoS Genetics. [article]
Divergent combinations of cis-regulatory elements control the evolution of phenotypic plasticity.
Dardiry, M., Eberhard. G., Witte, H., Rödelsperger, C., Lightfoot, J.W., and Sommer R. J. (2023) PLoS Biology. [article]
Evolution and diversity of TGF-β pathways are linked with novel developmental and behavioural traits.
Lo, W-S.,* Roca, M.,* Dardiry, M.,* Franco, K., Eberhardt, G., Witte, H., Hong, R., Sommer, R.J., Lightfoot, J.W. (2022) Molecular Biology and Evolution. [article]
Genomic integration of transgenes using UV irradiation in Pristionchus pacificus.
Eren. G. G., Roca. M., Han. Z., Lightfoot, J. W. (2022) MicroPublications Biology. [article]
Sex or cannibalism: polyphenism and kin recognition control social action strategies in nematodes.
Lightfoot, J.W.,* Dardiry. M.,* Kalirad, A., Giaimo, S., Eberhardt, G., Witte, H., Wilecki, M., Roedelsperger, C., Traulsen, A., S., Sommer, R.J. (2021) Science Advances. [article]
Improving transgenesis efficiency and CRISPR-associated tools through codon optimization and native intron addition in pristionchus nematodes.
Han, Z., Lo, W-S., Lightfoot, J.W., Witte, H., Sun, S., Sommer, R.J. (2020) Genetics. [article]
Conserved nuclear hormone receptors controlling a novel plastic trait target fast-evolving genes expressed in a single cell.
Sieriebriennikov, B., Sun, S., Lightfoot, J.W., Witte, H., Moreno, E., Rödelsperger, C., Sommer, R.J. (2020) PLoS Genetics. [article]
Bacterial vitamin B12 production enhances nematode predatory behavior.
Akduman, N., Lightfoot, J.W., Röseler, W., Witte, H., Lo, W-S., Rödelsperger, C., Sommer, R.J. (2020) ISME J. [article]
Cilia drive developmental plasticity and are essential for efficient prey detection in predatory nematodes.
Moreno, E., Lightfoot, J. W., Lenuzzi, M., Sommer, R. J. (2019) Proc R Soc B. [article]
Small peptide-mediated self-recognition prevents cannibalism in predatory nematodes.
Lightfoot, J.W., * Wilecki, M., * Rödelsperger, C., Moreno, E., Susoy, V., Witte, H., Sommer, R.J. (2019)
Science. [article]
Regulation of hyperoxia-induced social behaviour in Pristionchus pacificus nematodes requires a novel cilia-mediated environmental input.
Moreno, E., Sieriebriennikov, B., Witte, H., Rödelsperger, C., Lightfoot, J.W., Sommer, R.J. (2017) Sci rep. [article]
Assaying Predatory Feeding Behaviors in Pristionchus and Other Nematodes.
Lightfoot J.W.,* Wilecki, M.,* Okumura, M., Sommer, R.J. (2016) J Vis Exp. [article]
Comparative transcriptomics of the nematode gut identifies global shifts in feeding mode and pathogen susceptibility.
Lightfoot, J.W., Chauhan, V.M., Aylott, J.W., Rödelsperger, C. (2016) BMC Res Notes. [article]
Predatory feeding behaviour in Pristionchus nematodes is dependent on phenotypic plasticity and induced by serotonin.
Lightfoot, J.W. *, Wilecki, M.,* Susoy, V., Sommer, R.J. (2015) J Exp Biol. (Cited as Wilecki and Lightfoot et al.) [article]
Other publications
N-terminal acetylation promotes synaptonemal complex assembly in C. elegans.
Gao, J., Barroso, C., Zhang, P., Kim, H.M., Li, S., Labrador, L., Lightfoot, J., Gerashchenko, M.V., Labunskyy, V.M., Dong, M.Q., Martinez-Perez, E., Colaiácovo, M.P. (2016) Genes Dev. 2016 [article]
Germline organization in Strongyloides nematodes reveals alternative differentiation and regulation mechanisms.
Kulkarni, A., Lightfoot, J.W., Streit, A. (2016) Chromosoma. 2016 [article]
The fidelity of synaptonemal complex assembly is regulated by a signaling mechanism that controls early meiotic progression.
Silva, N., Ferrandiz, N., Barroso, C., Tognetti, S., Lightfoot, J., Telecan, O., Encheva, V., Faull, P., Hanni, S., Furger, A., Snijders, A.P., Speck, C., Martinez-Perez, E. (2014) Dev Cell. 2014 [article]
Chromosome movements promoted by the mitochondrial protein SPD-3 are required for homology search during Caenorhabditis elegans meiosis.
Labrador, L., Barroso, C., Lightfoot, J., Müller-Reichert, T., Flibotte, S., Taylor, J., Moerman, D.G., Villeneuve, A.M., Martinez-Perez, E. (2013). PLoS Genet. 2013 [article]
Loading of meiotic cohesin by SCC-2 is required for early processing of DSBs and the DNA damage checkpoint.
Lightfoot, J., Testori, S., Barroso, C., Martinez-Perez E (2011). Curr. Biol. 2011 [article]
Crossovers trigger a remodeling of meiotic chromosome axis composition that is linked to two-step loss of sister chromatid cohesion.
Martinez-Perez, E., Schvarzstein, M., Barroso, C., Lightfoot, J., Dernburg, A.F., Villeneuve, A.M. (2008) Genes Dev. 2008 [article]
Oxygen reactivity of both respiratory oxidases in Campylobacter jejuni: the cydAB genes encode a cyanide-resistant, low-affinity oxidase that is not of the cytochrome bd type.
Jackson, R.J., Elvers, K.T., Lee, L.J., Gidley, M.D., Wainwright, L.M., Lightfoot, J., Park, S.F., Poole, R.K. (2007) J. Bacteriol. 2007 [article]
Hedonic worms gorge on high-energy foods.
Roca, M., and Lightfoot, J.W.,
Current Biology, 2023.
Book contributions
Sommer, R. J. & Lightfoot, J. W. (2022). The genus Pristionchus: a model for phenotypic plasticity, predatory behavior, self-recognition and other complex traits. In: Nematodes as biological models (Eds.: I. Glazer, D. Shapiro-Ilan & P. W. Sternberg). Cabi Publishing, Wallingford, UK, in press.
General media
Local newspaper feature in the General-Anzeiger Bonn [article]
Labor journal 1-2/2020, p.30-31 - “Mutterliebe geht durch die Nase” [article]
Science Video - These nematodes may be cannibals, but they look out for their family [article]
Atlas of Science - The mind and mouth of a predatory worm [article]